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Writer's pictureRebecca Merrill

Review: Boston Tea Party

I spend a fair bit of my time in coffee shops and to be frank I'm lacking inspiration for writing material. So I'm going to "review" the one I'm sat in right now.

So BTP has many locations - two of which are in Bath. I'm currently sat in the larger of the two; Alfred Street. I came here because someone that I dated for a while once mentioned they'd spend a lot of time here studying. For the hopeless romantics among you: no - I'm not sat here to reminisce about him nor am I trying to get inside his mind by being here. I'm here because from what he said they don't mind your bum making a dent in the seat for hours on end for the price of one coffee (and maybe a slice of cake - I'm sorry it just always looks so good). It also helps that BTP stay open a little later than most coffee shops that aren't Starbucks.

Aside from the tasty cake on offer (but all cake is tasty so this point is invalid), I always return to Alfred Street - but strictly on sunny days - because of how much natural daylight there is. Not only is the outside wall lined with pretty stained glass sash windows but they have a skylight that runs the length of the main cafe meaning the entire place is always illuminated with sunshine. Coming here to work means I don't feel like I'm missing out on the rare occasion we have a sunny day. It perfectly strikes the balance between the two impossibles of either working outside (and going mad with the wind blowing away your notes every five seconds) and working inside (miserable, because you're not outside soaking up sun).

In addition to all the natural light, the Alfred Street branch's interior is pretty and quirky to look at without being intimidating. It's a natural aesthetic, rather than one forced in order to be 'instagrammable'. Their playlist is great because it's upbeat without being overbearing - basically what I mean is that I can actually sit there without earphones in and not go stir crazy.

I can't lie to you and pretend I'm some sort of coffee connoisseur who can differentiate between this aroma here and that richness there. I can't. I judge my coffee by how palatable it is. BTP must serve fairly good coffee because I can drink it black without the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. They have an endless list of different drinks on offer and a menu of hot food (which of course includes avocado on toast). I can't comment on how good it tastes but it always comes out looking pretty delish.

So, essentially I'm an avid fan on Boston Tea Party because I can exploit their cozy atmosphere for hours on end in order to make myself to feel like I'm being ~productive~. The cheer and bustle of Alfred Street makes me want to share it with others - I'd happily spend time at BTP with friends and family because I feel they offer something for everyone.

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